ADHD in children: From a teachers point of view

Teachers play an important role in management of ADHD in children. Having a student with ADHD can be difficult especially if you don’t have any idea about ADHD.

Children spend considerable amounts of time with their teachers at school. And teachers handle and oversee sheer numbers of children at any given time, so it’s not unusual for them to encounter children with ADHD. In fact, teachers can be the first to notice symptoms of ADHD in children; they may notice children who are more

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A Family Member With ADD

A family member with ADD can bring difficulties especially if you don’t understand his or her condition. For instance: ADD or attention-deficit disorder makes it difficult for a child to maintain attention and can cause him or her to become impulsive and hyperactive. Often, child’s symptoms appear in an early age. Raising a child with ADD requires patience and understanding so he or she can grow up normally.

A child with symptoms of ADD is unable to assume good behavior because he or she

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How to manage ADD as a partner

Managing ADD in your partner can be quite challenging, but it is possible and is surely worth it. Adults with ADD most of the time have undiagnosed ADD while they are still children. The number of adults with ADD is somewhat common; at least 8 million adults have it. Sadly, not all cases are diagnosed or treated.

Adults with ADD face problems and difficulties due to their symptoms. They may have problems holding jobs, suffer from low self-esteem and have relationships issues. Adult ADD may

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More ADD Medicine: Ritalin and Concerta

Other than Adderall and Strattera, there is more ADD medicine, like Ritalin and Concerta. Since ADHD (the medical term for ADD) was recognized as a distinct medical disorder in 1970’s, several drugs have been used to treat the disorder. The first drug found to reduce symptoms of ADD is Benzedrine, a potent stimulant that is actually a close cousin of amphetamine. Kids with ADD who were given Benzedrine had reduced hyperactivity and displayed longer attention spans; the effects were dramatic

Get more info about RItalin and Concerta check out this website

ADD Medicine: Strattera and Adderall

Strattera and Adderall are prescribed for use in treatment of ADD. These medications are effective and safe, if used properly. You can purchase them only with a prescription, and you cannot use them in other purposes without asking your doctor first. Purchasing them without prescription carries heavy penalties in most jurisdictions.

ADD medicines like Strattera and Adderall, in ADD treatment, are often used along with psychotherapy for better effect. Thus, you should still participate in

Check out the details on ADD Medicine: Strattera and Adderall

ADHD Treatment

The goal of ADD treatment is to control symptoms of ADD. If left untreated, symptoms of ADD can be detrimental to health and performance in school, work and at home. There are many methods used in ADD treatment. These can also be applied to ADHD Treatment.

ADD treatment and management is a hot topic today; there are many issues about the current methods used to diagnose and treat the condition. Still, it is very important that people with ADD receive appropriate treatment so they can lead a

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Diagnosing ADD

You may want to know now the steps in diagnosing ADD. Diagnosing ADD requires cooperation from the patient and the doctor. Although doctors often refer ADD as ADHD, basically they are two terms used to denote the same disorder.

Keep in mind that there is no single test or method to diagnosing ADD. Unlike other conditions such as ELISA for AIDS and sputum exam for tuberculosis, there is no single test that can instantly detect ADD.

ADD diagnosis

So how do they diagnose ADD? Doctors

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Causes of ADHD

What causes ADHD exactly?

You may want to know the causes of ADD. Currently, the exact causes of ADD are still unclear to experts even though ADD treatment and detection methods have advanced a lot since 1940’s. Still, investigators blame several factors that result to ADHD. A person with ADD often shows symptoms in early childhood, so experts believe that factors that affect brain’s development in the womb may cause ADD.

ADD, or attention deficit disorder, is just the same as

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History of ADHD

Before, physicians who observed signs and symptoms of ADHD did not call it as such. Instead, ADHD was variously referred to as ‘minimal brain damage’, ‘minimal brain dysfunction, ‘learning/behavioral disabilities’ or simply ‘hyperactivity’.

Ancients already knew something about ‘hyperactivity’

Probably the earliest description of ADHD came from the famous Greek physician-scientist Hippocrates. He described symptoms of “quickened responses to sensory experience

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Do I have ADD ?

You might ask yourself a question ‘Do I have ADD?’. While it is true that only a doctor (or a psychiatrist) can determine if you really have ADD (attention deficit disorder), being aware of its signs and symptoms in yourself is the best place to start. Don’t wait for school and workplace reports to bring yourself to a clinic.

Remember that ADD and ADHD are the same; the official term is ADHD, but many people call it ADD so we will refer to it as such. And also remember that it’s not

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